S’ha publicat la darrera recerca de la investigadora del Grup de recerca DIVERSE de la IMF-CSIC, Yolanda Aixelà-Cabré corresponent als projectes I+D Afro-Iberia (2020-2023) i Black Spain (2023-2027) que lidera
El llibre recull el número especial editat a la prestigiosa revista Ethnic and Racial Studies (Q1).
- Aixelà-Cabré, Yolanda. 2024. “Unwritten Afro-Iberian Memories and Histories. Race, Ethnicity and Gender in Portugal and Spain.”
- Arbaiza, Diana. 2024. “Shifting Representations, Ambiguous Bodies: African Colonial Subjects in Nineteenth Century Spain.”
- Aixelà-Cabré, Yolanda. 2024. “African Women in Iberia. The Fernandino elite in Barcelona.”
- Falconi, Jessica. 2024. “African Women’s Trajectories and the House of the Students of the Empire.”
- García, Mar. 2024. “Black Extras and Actors in Francoist Cinema.”
- Raposo, Otávio and Carlos Garrido Castellano. 2024. “Batida and the Politics of Sonic Agency in Afro-Lisboa.”
- Rizo, Elisa. 2024. “Leandro Mbomio, the “Black Picasso”: Spanish State Propaganda, Blackness, and Neocolonialism in Equatorial Guinea.”
- Persánch, JM. 2024. “Racial Rhetoric in Black and White: Situational Whiteness in Francoist Equatorial Guinea through Misión blanca.”
- Moreras, Jordi. 2024. “Precarious Lives, Invisible Deaths. A History of Community Funeral Management among Moroccans in Catalonia.”
- Grau-Rebollo, Jorge; García-Tugas, Lourdes and Beatriz García-García. 2024. “Induced vulnerability: the consequences of racialization for African women in an emergency shelter in Catalonia (Spain).”
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